During the next 6 weeks, highlights of the holiday season often include festive times with family, large group meals, gift giving, fun parties and travel. It is also an important time of year for us to remember those within our communities that may need extra help providing for their families and would greatly benefit from our generosity.
"In Eastern Massachusetts:
320,000 people or 7% of the population uses emergency food programs annually.
57% of the people served have to choose between food and rent, medicine, or heat."
This year Fini Concierge is hosting a dry and canned food drive and we are inviting the Fini Concierge community to join our efforts.
Individual Contributions:
Leave us a bag of canned or dry goods and we'll pick it up at no cost to you to add to our donations.
Company Participation:
Get your workplace involved - we know that the end of the year is a busy time for most workplaces and designating someone to organize a charity campaign can be difficult. Fini Concierge will do all of the organizing for you, all you need to do is promote the food drive to your team. Our staff will provide a collection bin and pick up donations as needed. We'll even provide a flyer that you can email and post with information on how to donate.
Our goal is to make giving easy for you and your companies this year - and together we believe that we can make a really big impact on our local communities. All participating individuals and companies will be named when donations are made.
Fini Concierge will be donating food collected to the follow organizations benefiting Greater Boston and Cape Cod:
Greater Boston Food Bank
“The GBFB is the largest hunger-relief organization in New England with a mission to help end hunger in eastern Massachusetts. Each year the Food Bank distributes more than 34 million pounds of food and grocery products to nearly 600 member hunger-relief agencies”. Please click on the following link for more information: The Greater Boston Food Bank
Lower Cape Outreach Council
The Lower Cape Outreach Council “provides emergency assistance of food clothing and financial support to individuals and families in Brewster, Chatham, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, Provincetown, Truro and Wellfleet”. The LCOC has opened food pantries in each of the towns they serve. Please click on the following link for more information: The Lower Cape Outreach Council
Preferred Items for Food Donation
Pasta/Tomato Sauce
Soups and other canned goods
Cereals/Rice and other boxed goods
Turkey's for Thanksgiving
Toilet Paper, Hand Soaps, Toothpaste, Liquid Laundry Soap
Please contact us to let us know how you would like to get involved. In advance, we appreciate your support of our holiday food drive!
Chantal, Eddie, Marissa and Allison
The Fini Concierge Team