Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fini Concierge: Volunteering Policy

Over the years Fini Concierge as volunteered our time to various charity events. It’s a fundamental goal of ours to give back to the communities that we live and work in and something that we want to continue as Fini Concierge grows.

We’ve participated in charity walks and bike rides , delivered pies for Pie in the Sky , and supported many fundraising events with auction gift certificates for Fini Concierge services. At times, Eddie and I still felt that we were far off from our goal to consistently support the many great causes that have so many needs in our community.

Most recently, Liz Moran, one of our team members, volunteered her time for the Caritas Good Samaritan Hospice luncheon and auction fundraiser. When she returned from the event not only did she feel really good about being involved but she had had a really great time – and had felt excited that she was not just representing herself but Fini Concierge.

It was at that time that Eddie and I decided to take a first step in implementing a volunteering program that would grow into the type of community commitment that we eventually hope to make through the business. Our staff is now strongly encouraged to volunteer up to four hours on ‘company time’ per quarter to a charity of their choosing. In an effort to support our team in making this commitment, we discuss volunteer opportunities at staff meetings and share ideas about what they are interested in so that we can help them get matched up with rewarding opportunities.

Our hope is that we are on a pathway to developing a strong community based organization that supports those in need around us and that we create opportunities for our team to make an important impact through volunteering. I know that there are many companies out there that have well developed volunteering programs and I look forward to learning more from them and from our future volunteering experiences.

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